Unfortunately the Linux binary bundle didn't work for me on Guix. I think the ELF binary has some baked in assumptions that don't hold on Guix. I might try to build from source another time.
Darn. Did you get a specific error message on Guix? Racket’s distributions are supposed to bundle everything and run on Unix, so I’m surprised it didn’t work for you.
Building from source is pretty straightforward if you’ve used a command line before:
Install Racket from your package manager or from download.racket-lang.org
raco pkg install --auto req-lib (dependencies)
raco req -d (dependencies)
racket sludge-game/main.rkt (play it)
This even worked for screwtape on BSD with no errors.
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Unfortunately the Linux binary bundle didn't work for me on Guix. I think the ELF binary has some baked in assumptions that don't hold on Guix. I might try to build from source another time.
Darn. Did you get a specific error message on Guix? Racket’s distributions are supposed to bundle everything and run on Unix, so I’m surprised it didn’t work for you.
Building from source is pretty straightforward if you’ve used a command line before:
raco pkg install --auto req-lib
(dependencies)raco req -d
(dependencies)racket sludge-game/main.rkt
(play it)This even worked for screwtape on BSD with no errors.
I DID THIS FOR YOU https://toobnix.org/w/6XbTL8LJ8BNQNy6jWvHY6Y
Higher completion run https://toobnix.org/w/cxyYPm8mqCF7bzEkBLsoXr