A downloadable story for Windows and Linux

6:00 AM. Your alarm is beeping.
Time to prepare for your job interview at the sludge factory.


Left side - 3D models
Right side - text adventure
Drag to rotate
Scroll to zoom
Z to reset
Write text and press Enter
Blue text shows possible actions
Press Tab to accept a blue suggestion

Made for Spring Lisp Game Jam 2024. I spent the first 5-6 days working on the engine, so I couldn't add quite as much story as I wanted to (you were originally going to be able to explore the sludge pool room) and I didn't create any 3D models after the parking lot.

Designed on Linux, loosely tested on Windows. If you encounter a bug and/or an error popup, please report it in the comments or by email.

Tech details: (it's Lisp all the way down)

  • Programming language: Racket
  • Text adventure engine by me
    • Text adventure data written declaratively with Lisp
  • GUI library by Bogdan Popa
    • GUI layouts written declaratively with Lisp
  • 3D modelling and visualisation library by Cliff L. Biffle
    • Model structure written declaratively with Lisp

Get the code from GitHub or from the attached files on this page.

Stuck? Not sure where to go next? Click here to read the spoilers...
  1. Go to the living room and look at the table.
  2. Look at your laptop on the table.
  3. Read the email from Sludge Co.
  4. Get dressed at the closet.
  5. Go out the front door.
  6. Pass time in the parking lot.
  7. Sit down in the office.
  8. Leave the office.
Secret features!Type debug to activate debugging menus! These let you move to any room, view any model, run any cutscene, and edit the game state.

Download the Linux or Windows version. Extract all files from the zip. Go into the bin folder and run the sludge executable.

Updated 18 days ago
Published 21 days ago
PlatformsWindows, Linux
GenreInteractive Fiction
Tagstext-adventure, Text based
Code licenseApache License 2.0
Asset licenseCreative Commons Attribution_NonCommercial v4.0 International
Average sessionA few minutes
LinksSource code


Sludge for Linux 12 MB
Sludge for Windows 15 MB
Source code 889 kB


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Unfortunately the Linux binary bundle didn't work for me on Guix. I think the ELF binary has some baked in assumptions that don't hold on Guix. I might try to build from source another time.

Darn. Did you get a specific error message on Guix? Racket’s distributions are supposed to bundle everything and run on Unix, so I’m surprised it didn’t work for you.

Building from source is pretty straightforward if you’ve used a command line before:

  • Install Racket from your package manager or from download.racket-lang.org
  • raco pkg install --auto req-lib (dependencies)
  • raco req -d (dependencies)
  • racket sludge-game/main.rkt (play it)

This even worked for screwtape on BSD with no errors.


I DID THIS FOR YOU https://toobnix.org/w/6XbTL8LJ8BNQNy6jWvHY6Y


Higher completion run https://toobnix.org/w/cxyYPm8mqCF7bzEkBLsoXr

